The international Bigfoot Research Organization is a cryptid think tank whose goal is to promote interest in and to prove or disprove definitively the existence of bigfoots in all their various forms. To this end we strongly endorse the killing or capture of a least one creature for the purpose of scientific study. While we are happy to forward credible encounter documentation to proper authorities our purpose is to analyze data and not merely compile it.
Expanded Mission Statement
While unbelievers sleep iBRORG and its supporters scour the globe - Canada and the USA in particular, compile evidence and construct a case for the existence of the Bigfoot Peoples.
Unlike our feel-good counterparts iBRORG recognizes that eyewitness accounts, blurry images and crackly audio are no substitute for hard evidence. The general public is well within its rights to expect more from serious research. To this end, iBRORG is one of the few Kill on Sight or Capture bigfoot organizations. The death of a few specimens will result in a far greater good.
Game hunters are embraced, not discouraged. iBRORG fully acknowledges and appreciates their contribution to the bigfoot cause. Hunters are the most consistent and credible eyewitnesses to bigfoot phenomena and they make a better quality witness than the casual observer. They are usually far more accurate with estimates of size, distance, speed etc. Their constant presence in the wild country throughout the globe is one of the main reasons we have so many documented sightings. Make no mistake hunters are the primary eyes and ears of BRORG (and all other bigfoot research groups) in the forests. Thank you, hunters.
Journey of the Bigfoot Peoples
If they exist, ultimately iBRORG would like to re-establish the viability of overlooked hominids around the world.