Bigfoot Art Gallery - iBRORG on DeviantArt and many other galleries of spiffy bigfoot art.
Oregon Bigfoot - a dedicated NW researcher. Bigfoot Field Researchers Org. Bigfoot Encounters Bureau of Sasquatch Affairs - a fun site about bigfoots struggle for freedom. Alliance of Independent Bigfoot Researchers Mangani's Bigfoot Sightings Map - map of all sightings Mangani's Northwest Sightings The Skunk Ape Files Texas Bigfoot Research - Cowboy Squatchmen Sasquatch Northwest Investigators |
Russian Almas - a site translated from Russian all about a possible cousin to bigfoot.
Sasquatch Watch Canada - basically what it says. Canadian squatchmen. San Antonia, TX Bigfoot Research Group - a fellow dead-or-alive site hale and well met. The Bigfoot Times - a bigfoot news letter put out by a dedicated researcher. |